Thursday, August 4, 2011

Happy Birthday Alisa!

Yesterday, I had the pleasure of hand delivering a quilt for the first time.  I've now made 35 quilts and this is the first one I've ever personally given to someone.  And what a wonderful person I gave it to.  Her name is Alisa.  We've been emailing for about a year and a half now, but we've never met.  She has become a very special friend of mine.  We share a common life's journey.  We both have lupus.  She is an amazing young woman with a heart of gold.  And a personality that will make you smile even on your worst flare up days.

Happy birthday Alisa!
(her birthday is actually this Sunday)


  1. The quilt is beautiful, you are such a talented woman! I'm sure Alisa is going to think of you every time she sees this beautiful quilt! HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALISA!

  2. BEAUTIFUL! I still wish I had the time and opportunity to learn from and with you about quilting!
